Node operator#

Sampler Node#

A sampler node continuously pool the DQPU smart contract waiting for new job. When a new job appear, the sampler checks if it can perform the sampling with its hardware.

Every sampler node can implement its own Sampler class, adding supports to other simulators or to real quantum hardware. DQPU package offer 3 implementation:

  • AerSimulator: statevector simulator from qiskit

  • DaskSimulator: statevector simulator using Dask distributed computing library

  • NumpySimulator: statevector simulator using Numpy

After every sampled job, the node receives the reward.

dqpu-sampler -a sampler_account --max-deposit 0.1 --sampler aersimulator --max-qubits 21

Read more on Sampler Node.

Verifier Node#

A verifier node continuously pool the DQPU smart contract waiting for new ‘pending-validation’ and ‘validating-result’ jobs. When a new job appear, the verifiers: - ‘pending-validation’ job are checked for quantum circuit validity, and trap qubits are inserted - ‘validating-result’ job are checked for trap verification

After every validation, the verifier receives a percentage of the job reward.

Verifier are special users initially selected by the smart contract creator; this will change in the future.

dqpu-verifier -a verifier_account

Read more on Verifier Node.

Indices and tables#